Stuart is a filmmaker and photographer who travels the globe making and doing excellent things. His website is: I met him in 2012, when he was working with the Edinburgh Art Festival, documenting the various events, and was instantly drawn to his cheeky wee grin. Many of the works you see on this site are his, including this, this and this.
Documentation is difficult thing for folks whose work is ephemeral, and even doubly difficult for folks like me whose work is not only ephemeral, but often exists within the social and inter-relational exchanges, rather than in objects and things to look at. How I translate fleeting moment to "you and I, and everyone else who didn’t participate" (Bishop, 2012) is key to how works survive beyond the moment and have meaning. I trust Stuart's reading and understanding of my work, and his insight on how things should exist in the world. In this sense, Stuart is a co-creator of my works and how they survive me and he is the architect of thier worldly presence. (No pressure, Stuey.)